Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Walking in the Waldweg

After a cold misty morning the sun decided to come out this afternoon and I decided to go for a walk in the nearby forest.

 I got a bit excited over how many different types of mushroom/fungi I saw...

On the way I passed these lovely horses. They came up to the fence to see if I was offering any food. Quickly realising I only had my camera to offer, one turned around, lifted up its tail then proceeded to fart at me!!!

PS If you like this post you should check out Resurrection Fern.

The Last Flohmarkt

Last weekend we rode to the last Rheinaue Flohmarkt for this year. It is one of the biggest Flea Markets in Germany. Its held once a month from August to October in the beautiful Rheinaue Park in Bonn. Unfortunately I only got one photo, of just a small part of the market but you can see the line of people and stuff for sale goes around the paths and up the hill. It was a rare gorgeous day weather-wise, the autumn leaves were amazing and I was actually getting hot in the sun! I was looking for a wicker basket or a radio but ended up with a lovely fruity scarf instead :-)
Flea Market in Rheinaue Park Bonn


Friday, 12 October 2012

Thrift Shop

I came across this great song a little while ago on Animal Head Vintage's blog. I immediately loved it.
(Warning -bad language...)

Not only does it embody my love of thrifiting (Thats a hella bargain Bitch!) but its just an awesome song. Gets me pumped everytime I hear it!
To quote a friend "Man production on that is great, filmclips great, and then a combo of sax sample and natedogg style hook. Win!"
Hope you enjoy it too.

Always be yourself
